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Toyota Hiace or similar


What does the transfer rate include?

The transfer rate includes the route from point A to point B, transfer costs, tip, reception with sign, transfer of luggage to the vehicle.


How is the client picked up?

The driver waits in the arrivals area or at the location indicated in the voucher instructions with a sign showing the passenger's full name. If it leaves from a hotel, apartment or office, the driver waits with the sign outside the building.


How long do drivers wait for passengers?

The duration of the free waiting time for arrivals at the airport is 90 minutes, for departures it is 30 minutes (depending on the hotel and/or residence)


Where do I get the transfer voucher?

You will receive a transfer confirmation voucher via email once you make your reservation. You can also download the voucher in the Reservations section.

Round-Trip Airport to Hotel Transfer - Punta Cana Area*** 7-10 pax

$140.00 Regular Price
$126.00Sale Price
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